Saturday, December 31, 2005

Horace Caldwell Pier Nose Ride

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Friday, December 30, 2005

Port Aransas, Texas

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Surf by Horace Caldwell Pier,
Port Aransas, Texas
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Thursday, December 29, 2005

More Rincon!

This is Rincon from about a week before Christmas, '05. This is more normal for the winter. Posted by Picasa

Big Rincon!

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Big Rincon! Storm Surf

This is a pic from today's LA Times(12-29-05).
This is Rincon catching the recent big swell. This is not classic Rincon shape or quality. This is a west swell with a bit of a southerly component, an unusual direction for this time of the year.
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Sunday, December 25, 2005

Big Waves at Swamis, Dec. 25, '05

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Swamis' on Christmas Day, 2005
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Sunday, December 18, 2005

Tiny Rincon!

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Tiny Waves At Rincon
Rincon has the best surf I have ever seen. Unfortunately, this wasn't one of those days! These are the smallest waves I ever saw there that were ridable. It was still fun and at least it wasn't crowded!
This is the only pic I have of me surfing Rincon. I surfed there for about eight years in the 70's and caught a lot of good days. The problem about getting good pics was that all of my friends that surfed couldn't pull themselves out of the water on good days so I have no pics!
This picture was taken by my mom in '84.
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Dear Ms Averyt

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Letter to Caller/Times Editor Libby Averyt

The following is a letter I wrote to Caller/Times Vice President/Editor Libby Averyt. In this mornings' paper(Sun. Dec. 18, 2005) she seized on an expression uttered in one of the public forums where views on this issue were put forth. If you didn't read the editorial she spent several hundred words disparaging "rednecks" and stating her distaste at promoting such an image for our area. She went on to say that she wanted to improve our pedigree by installing a huge luxury, upper class resort on the beach where the hoi polloi would not impose their presence upon the well to do.

Dear Ms. Averyt,
The term "Red Neck Riviera" is not in vogue here, it is not a description I would use or would anyone else I know of that supports keeping our local beaches open and accessible for all.
It is an unfortunate turn of phrase uttered by one individual and you seized on that to smear the efforts and distort the goals of all of us opposed to banning vehicular traffic on the beaches.
I have been visiting these beaches, and driving on them for forty years. I have surfed, fished, swam. cooked BBQ in my pit and have enjoyed the wide open spaces. I have been over every inch of the beaches from Saint Joes to Port Mansfield. This will be gone if this idea of closing beaches to vehicles catches on.
Now I imagine that a lot of "rednecks" use the beaches but so do surfers, fishermen, families, tourists, beachcombers, artists, professional people, laborers and ...well just about everyone. That's what I support.
If they want to build a resort fine. But not right on the beach, which is illegal anyway, and certainly not with an exclusive beach for that resort, which would be the result of the notion you support.
Far more people will come here for open, pristine beaches because that is becoming a real rarity these days. In all other areas developers have covered beaches and adjoining areas with development!
People come to enjoy the beaches, not because of "fancy hotels!"
Happy Holidays,
Dicky Neely

Friday, December 16, 2005

Psychedelic Surfing at C Street!

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Fun With Photoshop!

Ventura, California "C" Street

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Dicky Surfin' C Street
Ventura's "C" Street, a popular and consistent spot. These pics show Dicky on a small but fun wave, having just come from outside and setting up the reforming wave.
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Tourmaline State Surfing Park

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Tourmaline Surfing Park In San Diego
This was a small, inside wave but clean! It was a lot of fun and a beautiful day at Tourmaline State Surfing Park in San Diego.

Wave Sailing In California

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Wave Sailing In California
These pics are from the last trip I made to California, many years ago now!
I traveled with Bob Duff and we sailed in New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada and California. I did a little surfing too. I will post some other pics from that trip later.
These shots were taken at County Line.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

More Beach Giveaway In The Works?

Will The Corpus Christi City Council Give Away More Beach?

Led by City Council member Mark Scott the city recently passed an ordinance banning vehicular traffic in front of the sea wall on Padre Island. About 1,200 feet of beach would be shut off to traffic. A Parking lot is to be built behind the sea wall. This was much protested by many in the community but to no effect.
In response several local organizations and individuals joined efforts to circulate a petition putting this action on the ballot for the voters to decide the issue. The drive to gather enough signatures needed is well under way and should have no trouble in getting the sufficient number required. Many of those supporting this drive cited the beach ban as a bad precedent to establish. “If one beach developer gets their private beach others will want theirs too!” they said.
Little did they know in how short a time they would be shown to be right!
Now Mark Scott has said that another 4,000 plus feet of beach should be closed because developer Paul Shexnailder wants that area for his “world class” beach resort he plans to build in that area adjacent to the sea wall and the Packery Channel. Scott now claims he made a “mistake” in supporting the original traffic ban. He says he will try to correct that mistake by rescinding that ordinance and passing another to include the extra beach front. Scott said “It is painful to admit to making a mistake.”
Shexnailder has said it was necessary for the traffic ban to be passed or he would not build his project. This is a form of extortion, in other words “If you don’t do it my way I will not build my project.” He uses the lure of “ tax revenues, jobs and development” which makes his proposal send most of our local politicians into gleeful convulsions!
No matter that nearly all of them said “If we close this section of beach(the original 1,200 ft.) we will not close other sections. This is a safety issue.”
The effect of writing and passing a new ordinance would be to shut down the present petition drive, making it a moot issue. You can’t vote on an ordinance that has been rescinded.
This is in, effect, changing the rules of the game in the middle of the contest. It is also a test of credibility. Will the Mayor and the other council members live up to the statements they made just a few weeks ago or will they say “Oh we made a mistake!” and proceed with this new proposal.
Whatever they do, the petition drive will go on unabated, it may have to be started over but that will not stop the petitioners from gaining the requisite number of signatures.
Now is the time for all those who value our freedom to enjoy the beaches as we have done for all of our lives to come to the aid and support of the Beach Ban Petition. Now is the time to tell greedy developers and politicians “Not on my beach!” Now is the time to encourage your friends, family members and associates who feel as you do to get out there and do their part.
The powerful politicians and wealthy developers will spend thousands of dollars and exert as much pressure on the public as they can to get their way.
Be a Sonofthebeach! Help Save Our Beaches!

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Tuesday, December 13, 2005

C.J. On A Big One!

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C.J. on a huge left at the point south of Puerto Escondido.
This was undoubtedly the biggest wave we saw on this trip! And, of course, C.J. snagged it! This is his dream, taking off behind the peak on a big left!
This was on a trip we made many years ago.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Beach Dogs!

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On The Beach, Having Fun!
The pictures above are of one of my past cars, an old Cougar, I believe around a '79 or so.
On top are my boards and sails etc. The dog belonged to a past girlfriend. His name was YoYo. He was a Samoyed Husky and we were buddies.
The other dog is Critter. She was a reknowned beach dog that was great at Frisbee! She belonged to my friends Cliff and Roxanne Schlabach.

This type of fun is in big danger if the proposed changes on our beaches are passed by our City Council.
Below is a letter I sent to the Caller/Times, it is doubtful that they will print it!

Dec. 11, 2005
Dicky Neely
4141 Whiteley Dr. #201
Dear Editor,
There you go again! Your double-barreled editorial barrage in favor of closing our beaches to beach traffic in this morning’s paper further demonstrates that your editorial board has never seen a beach development you didn’t like, no matter the cost to the public or environment.
The proposal by Council member Mark Scott to change the adopted city ordinance closing beach traffic in front of the sea wall to include the area desired for development by Paul Shexnailder is unacceptable, furthermore it proves what myself and others have been saying all along about this beach issue. You give in to one commercial development and others will want theirs!
I have never believed this issue was in anyway about “beach safety” which has not been a real issue, but about whether or not public beaches will be handed over to developers for their own private use.
Now you express concern over “turtle” safety! Give me a break! Those turtles have not been hindered or damaged by beach traffic. The most prolific beach traffic in the turtle nesting area is from the large trucks and vehicles attending the drilling on the National Sea Shore. As I recall you were all in favor of that!
Another issue seldom addressed is access for the disabled. As it is now disabled people can use the beaches pretty near anywhere they want. They will not be able to lug their stuff for a half a mile to the beach!
As far as keeping faith with the voters, I don’t think most of those who were in favor of the Packery Channel development had any idea this would lead to a beach traffic ban.
Concerning keeping faith with the voters this proposal is about going back on your word. Everybody on the city council, including the mayor, I contacted prior to the passage of the beach-traffic closure ordinance told me “We will only close this section of the beach. We have no plans to close off other parts of the beach.” Now this comes along. Where will they stand now?
To his credit, Rex Kinnison has stated he would not go back on that vote.
This is an important issue to me. I think preserving our unique beaches for all to come and enjoy is a bigger draw for visitors than would be the building of some fancy high dollar resort catering only to the rich. Are we going to make our beaches a playground for the “rich and famous” only?

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Open Beach Argument Rages ON!

I am using this picture again to show what it is like on our beaches most of the time. If the beaches are closed to driving this and many other areas will be lost to the public!

Corpus Christi City Council Considers More Beach Closures!
The proposal by Council member Mark Scott to change the adopted city ordinance closing beach traffic in front of the sea wall to include the area desired for development by Paul Shexnailder is unacceptable, furthermore it proves what myself and others have been saying all along about this beach issue. You give in to one commercial development and others will want theirs!
I have never believed this issue was in anyway about “beach safety” which has not been a real issue, but about whether or not public beaches will be handed over to developers for their own private use.
This proposal is about going back on your word. Everybody I contacted prior to the passage of the beach-traffic closure ordinance told me “We will only close this section of the beach. We have no plans to close off other parts of the beach.” Now this comes along. Where will you stand now?
This is an important issue to me. I think preserving our unique beaches for all to come and enjoy is a bigger draw for visitors than would be the building of some fancy high dollar resort catering only to the rich. Are we going to make our beaches a playground for the “rich and famous” only?

My 1963 International On The Beach At The Fish Pass

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Another Great Beach Vehicle!
This is my old 1963 International panel I bought from C.J. My friends have kept me on wheels for years! I am lucky to have friends like these!
On top is my 10'4" Hobie Gary Propper and my 8'6" Nuuihwa Infinity.

This would be around 1981.
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Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Sunset Over The Laguna Madre

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Tandem Sailing In The Laguna
I'm on the front board with my back foot on the nose of the other fellow's board. We are both on Bic Dufour Wings, it is 1982.
The nose of these boards was rounded on the bottom and the tail was dished out on the rear deck. If you drive the nose of one board onto the tail of the other it is a perfect fit!
This gave the effect of tandem sailing with two sails! It was much faster in this light wind than one board alone could go! It was a lot of fun. We could tack, jibe and sail at all points of sail.
At times we hooked four, five and even six such boards this way!

A Little Surf Nostalgia: My Old Chevy Van, Circa '82

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My Old '64 Chevy Van
This is a picture of one of my old surf/sail vehicles. This is a 1964 Chevy van that I bought from Cliff Schlabach. He and his lovely wife Roxy had already put a gazillion miles on it and I ran up a bunch more!
These were classic vehicles and they served their purposes well. Since this is a personal blog site I will be putting up other bits of the past and some of my other surf vehicles over the years.
This picture was taken at the Mudhole, on the Laguna Madre. On top is my venerable old 10'4" Hobie Gary Propper surfboard and my first sailboard, a Dufour Wing.

News! Clark Foam Closes Doors! (Dec. 7, 2005)
Word came this morning in a forwarded emailed letter that Gordon "Grubby" Clark, long time manufacturer of polyurethane foam blanks for surfboard manufacturers, was going to cease its operations. Clark cited an ongoing struggle with local, state and federal environmental regulations and agencies. He says this legal battle is not over and is still in the courts.
At issue was his use of toluene diisocaynate, or TDI, a toxic chemical.
This is news with tremendous implications for the surfing world. The immediate effect is that existing boards will see a steep increase in price and orders currently in place may not be filled by some surfboard makers.
Some companies have enough blanks in storage to keep making boards for a while but many don't keep large stocks on hand.