Corpus Christi Caller/Times, Chief Cheerleader For Beach Giveaway

The lead in-house editorial in today's paper, (Sunday, July 23) once again reinforces the Caller/Times' position as the chief cheerleader for the give away of public beach access. Big bucks developers from near and far can rest assured that they will find a friend and a collaborator in their gleeful pursuit of pillaging the public's beaches.The TIF over the Packery Channel (pun intended)was sold to the public as much as an environmental issue as an economic plan. Many believed, wrongly, that the channel would improve the water quality of our local bay system.Others favored it as a closer route to open gulf waters. Of course many were looking ahead to reaping huge profits from a ditch and jetties created with bond money and public funds.It was sold in the U.S, Congress as a "beach replenishment"plan.There was nothing in this measure that would cause the public to believe they might lose access to the beaches.Your editorial states "The Beach Access Coalition believes that driving on the beach is the equivalent to public access to the beach." I am speaking for no one but myself but I say that is exactly right. Driving on the beach is the only practical way to provide the largest amount of beach access. Driving on the beach is far less environmentally damaging than is the building of parking lots and access roads.The driving force behind this whole issue is the desire of foreign and out of town developers to take away public beach rights for their own enrichment.It seems the Caller/Times editorial board is solidly in the amen corner for the big bucks operators and once again thumbs their noses at the local citizenry!Sincerely,Dicky Neely
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