City Council Votes For Beach Driving Ban 7-1

It came as no surprise that the Corpus Christi City Council voted 7-1 in the second reading of an ordinance which will ban vehicular traffic on 7,200 feet of city controlled beach. This is a gift to private developer Paul Shexnailder, of Austin, and the Canadian resort developers Intrawest, of Vancouver, B.C.
Shexnailder has purchased the property in the Packery Channel area has proposed leasing the land to Intrawest for developing a $500 million resort. Their plans are contingent on the closing of this stretch of beach to vehicular traffic, which is now allowed on most beaches, but not all, in both Nuces and Kleberg counties.
This will in effect create a de facto private beach for the Intrawest development.
Only council member John Marez had the courage to vote against the ordinance. Bill Kelly has consistently abstained from voting on this issue because he owns property on Padre Island and cites a conflict of interests as his reason.
It is honorable and correct for Kelly to do this. It's a pity that Mark Scott, who has been the spearhead for this and other related beach issues, doesn't follow suit.
Mark Scott is a walking, talking conflict of interests! He has a vested interest in the passage of this ordinance.
Scott works for San Jacinto Title Co. His firm has done work for Paul Shexnailder. He has been out front on the building of the Packery Channel, at Shexnailder's behest. This channel will provide Shexnailder with a private marina, all paid for with taxpayer's money.
Now Shexnailder is demanding another public giveaway, his own beach! Mark Scott is only too ready to accomomdate him and has dominated the mayor and most of the city council.
There will be one more reading of the ordinance soon and the council will, no doubt, pass the ordinance. It will be a sad day for those who love the beach and seek to have more responsible development and more responsible spending of taxpayer money!
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