No Cars, No Hassles, No Real Access!

Caller/Times Propaganda
Blitz Continues!
The Corpus Christi/Caller Times continues to devote a lot of ink in their campaign to help ban beach traffic and make our beaches "safe" for developers!
Todays issue,(Tuesday, January 24,) features South Padre Island. They show a picture on the front page of a nearly empty beach in front of posh hotels and condos.
What they don't show is the parking lot near the north jetty of the Brownsville Ship Channel.
This is where most of the public goes at South Padre. It is a large, often crowded in season, parking lot. It requires a good walk, over hot sand in the summer time, to reach the water. Twice my car was broken into in that parking lot.
I used to frequently travel to South Padre, we referred to it as "Port Isabel" for a long time, for surfing. The surf there is often very good. But as time went on the place became more and more developed and crowded and it lost its appeal for me. I much prefer Boca Chica Beach, on the other side of the channel. I haven't been there for a while but the last time I went there it was still largely undeveloped and beautiful. And there were no restrictions. Driving on the beach was the only way to get there, as is true of many sections of our beach.
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