Windsurfing On The Laguna Madre, 1981
This is the JFK Causeway in 1981. I am on an old Bic Dufour Wing in the foreground. (...water?)

The JFK Causeway connects Padre Island with Corpus Christi as it crosses The Laguna Madre. I learned to windsurf here and was an instructor here for a number of years.
This spot was called The Mudhole. It has shallow water, never gets very choppy. It's a great place to learn and to go fast! It's rarely sailed today.

The JFK Causeway connects Padre Island with Corpus Christi as it crosses The Laguna Madre. I learned to windsurf here and was an instructor here for a number of years.
This spot was called The Mudhole. It has shallow water, never gets very choppy. It's a great place to learn and to go fast! It's rarely sailed today.
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