Beach Vehicle Ban To Go To A Vote!

In spite of the best efforts by Mark Scott, Mayor Garrett, most of the Corpus Christi City Council, The Chamber of Commerce, the Flour Bluff Business Association and others the battle over the beach is headed to a vote on November 7. The following is a letter I sent today to the Corpus Christi Caller/Times, which, along with much of the local media, has been solidly in the pocket of the beach takers.
Dear Editor, So the date for the election to ban vehicles from the beach or not has
been set.It seems obvious that all on the City Council and the Mayor, except for maverick John Marez, never wanted this to happen. It also seems obvious they wanted the date set for Nov. 7, not, as they claim, because "sooner is better than later," but so those running for re-election would not have to run on the same ballot!Well, this could backfire, the Novemeber date should generate a larger turnout and I believe that will favor the side that wants to protect traditional beach access and say no to beach giveaways.I urge people that care about saving the beach for public access and control to go vote "No" on amendment 1 and "Yes" on amendment 2.
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